love love love

by and with Cikale Comic Vocal Trio: Anna Marcato, Beatrice Niero, Isabella Girardini
directed by Anna Marcato
with the artistic collaboration of Rita Pelusio
costumes by Ilaria Ariemme
musical advice by Michele Braguti and Simone Magnoni

produced by Anna Marcato, PEM Habitat Teatrali

a special thanks to Domenico Ferrari, Leon Tenenti, Alessandro Sicardi e Riccardo Rizzotto

“Any resemblance to actual cockroaches, living or dead, is entirely coincidental” (Ian McEwan)

Can it happen that in the year of Kafka’s celebration, three cockroaches undergo a reverse “metamorphosis”?
Can it happen that they leave their lair and wander around the city observing their surroundings?
Can it happen that these quirky bugs express themselves by borrowing lyrics from the world’s most famous British band?
Can it happen that when meeting them, one falls in love because in our torn civilization: ‘Love is all you need’?
Yes, it can! In fact, it has already happened!

Street Beatles tackles the paradox of the absurd with sharp irony, as a tribute to humorous literature and to British music.
Inspired by the famous book The Cockroach by Ian McEwan in which the author overturns Kafka’s prose, we once again want to believe that an upside-down world is possible, a world where the very insects most denigrated by humans become human themselves, as if for once, the way of thinking of the last was a priority.
The Beatles’ “All you need is love” became a pacifist anthem.
Just before being stepped on, the three cockroaches hum the refrain “love love love”, as if to remind us that the only possible salvation lies in a culture of peace.
Conceived by Rita Pelusio, the show wants to be an artistic response to a historical moment that day after day, sinks deeper and deeper into an inhuman condition.

Street Beatles is a work on the contemporary fool through the Beatles’ repertoire arranged for three voices and peculiar instruments; using an invented language, the actresses engage the audience with their grotesque physicality and an open-air jukebox, which makes the performance even more participatory.